Saturday, 14 February 2009

First Toddlers' Group - 10 Feb 2009

After much delays, we finally managed to take Carlos to his first toddlers' group meeting. We arrived an hour late (which is fine as it isn't a proper school and I have to finish work before). Papi dropped us at the playroom and went. Carlos was crying as he saw him leaving. However, as soon as Papi was out of sight he stopped. I was busy talking to the Group Leader and paying for the meeting (£1 each session). Carlos just stood next to me.

This little man was a little bit unsure of this new place so he has chosen not to do anything except standing next to the clothes rack very rigidly (like a little soldier) and 'observing'. He has never stood so still for such a long time before, especially now his new love is patrolling the house... I couldn't help laughing already (so as another mum who was sitting with her tod next to the rack). After a good 5 minutes, he started his first move ~ bending down and start crawling! In the end, we were at a table full of building blocks...

The frist 10 minutes' of his first toddler group meeting went and it's tea time! We needed to convert the building blocks tables into the tea tables. Lucky us as we have gotten our seats there already ~ 簡直似去飲開席霸到好位一樣...

The other kids all came and sat around the table and an elder girl (成個班長款咁嘅) helped distributing cups and plates for tea. We had a fruit platter 'loaded' with bananas, apples, oranges & grapes for tea. The old kids passed the platter quickly and picked their own but Carlos didn't have a clue on what to do (佢咁大個仔都未試過要SELF SERVICE GA MA...) ~ so Mami has to take some from the plate for him & actually put them into his mouth (he was too shocked and forgot all of his finger food skills...) Then came the drinks ~ cold milk from a beaker with a sprout. He told me how he felt about the milk by giving me a yucky look and turned the beaker upside down on my trousers!

Oh, come on... my little man, you have got to do something in your first meeting! He started wondering around but still very much confined to his familiar territory of about 2 sq m next to the door. After much persuasion, I managed to walk him to the other side of the room with playdough, drawing boards and a view of the garden. Hubby returned and was relieved to see his son settling-in ok in the group (that is, not crying nor being too shy).


Towards the end of the session Carlos started screaming (he only does it when he is happy) and we were happy to see it! On the way home, he was very chatty and felt so high that he didn't take his nap that afternoon!

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